Archive for the ‘Children’ Category

Happy for 70 degree weather in February and getting to play outside with my boys.
Happy to see my boys happy because we are letting them throw a Superbowl party.
Happy to spend some quality time with my baby boy today.
Happy I got to workout with my husband this morning and that he helped me get the kids out of the house.
Happy because potty training is going well with my youngest and he went poopoo in the potty today!
Happy I got to spend a fun day with Morgan at a friend’s birthday party.

Happy to be surrounded by my boys.
Happy my kids are in bed. 🙂
I’m happy because I was having fun playing with this cutie and his new piano mat on this beautiful day!

Hi friends! Yesterday was a rough day and I could have gained a lot of insight from writing this post then. Here are a few things I’m thankful for lately:

  1. I am thankful for my mom and the opportunity for her to come visit for Auggie’s birthday this past weekend. We had such a fun time celebrating my baby turning 2. My mom always knows how to handle anything, especially the difficult situations, and she provides me great advice and guidance. I’m so thankful for her and I hope that she has many healthy years left on this earth so my boys can get to know her well.
  2. I’m grateful for our family and friends that celebrated Auggie with us this weekend. We went to Carter Mountain sunsets Thursday, outdoor lunch at Mount Ida Friday, had a small birthday party Saturday after a trip to the Farmers Market, and then celebrated with a family dinner on Sunday. We are blessed to be surrounded by wonderful family and friends!
  3. I’m thankful that school starts next week. The transition of our regular routine to a summer/summer camp routine has been rough for us and I’m really glad school starts back soon so my boys and the family can have a better routine and a great preschool influence.
  4. I’m so grateful for long days and warm weather. Summer is coming to an end soon and I’m starting to dread the coming of winter, cold, and shorter days but I’m thankful for the summer we’ve had and what we have left. I’m trying to savor the last of it and enjoy it while it is still here.
  5. I’m really grateful for an awesome doctor who has been very persistent in helping me figure out some health problems. It finally feels like we are on the right track and I am so thankful to be feeling a lot better lately.

Sending love to you all!

About Texas Lou