Good morning and welcome to my weekly Thankful Monday post!

On a side note, I know I have been only using this space for my Thankful Monday posts for the past few months.  I enjoy writing about other topics, but time constraints are what have mostly kept me from blogging about my usual stories and ideas.  If there is anyone out there that actually reads this, I can tell you that I do plan to get back into regular writing again once things settle down with our new house, traveling, and fixing up our condo.  In the meantime, I feel these posts about gratefulness have been a benefit to me so I have continued to make time for them in my busy schedule.

And now, here’s what I’m thankful for this week:

  1. I’m thankful for a husband who has similar interests to me and for date night.  I can remember always arguing with my ex about what movie to see, but luckily, my husband and I don’t have that problem.  Friday night, we tried the new Sedona Taphouse for dinner.  The food was good, but a little overpriced.  The real reason I wanted to go there was for their beer selection…they have over 500 beers available and update their draft list daily which often includes many local beers.  Then we went to see Pacific Rim which we both loved.  It was a great night and made me suggest that we try to have date night more often!
  2. I’m thankful for family.  I must be very lucky because I have a wonderful and supportive family who really enjoy spending time with each other.  I’m going to get to be around alot of my extended family very soon and we are all very excited about it!
  3. I’m thankful for my cats.  They always bring a smile to my face.  They are so cute and each have their own individual personality.  Yesterday, Ben and I let them go outside briefly to explore.  It’s so fun watching them absorb all of the new sights, sounds, and smells around them.
  4. I’m thankful that our good friends had a healthy baby boy on Wednesday.  I’m so grateful that both mom and baby are doing well and that our friends are finally starting this new phase in their family.  Ben and I were lucky enough to get to hold the little guy on Thursday when we visited them at the hospital.  I’m wishing them all the health, love, and happiness in the world for their futures!
  5. I’m thankful for life.  Everyday there are struggles and things can feel rough, but I just have to remind myself that I am alive and live a pretty good life surrounded by amazing people.


Have a wonderful week!

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