Occasionally in life (or at least in my life), something comes along that changes me.  It helps shape the person I am becoming and has a profound impact on the way I live my life.

It seems that the older I become, the less often this happens (probably because I am too busy to notice it happening), so I try to hold on to this feeling when it comes because I don’t know how long I’ll have to wait until I have it again.

The most recent catalyst in the molding of who I ultimately will become was the ending of a television show.  I know some people might think that I’m stupid or cliche for letting a television show shape who I am or considering a television show important enough to influence me greatly, but I don’t care.  I can’t control what feelings are evoked in me by different forms of art (and yes I do consider some television a form of art but this would explicitly exclude reality television).

The television show I’m speaking of is LOST.  I feel that there never has been and never will be a piece of fiction so profound and meaningful on television in my lifetime.  When I watched the two and a half hour series finale on Sunday evening, I cried.  And I did not just get teary eyed.  I actually bawled like a baby into Ben’s t-shirt.  It wasn’t because I was so sad that the show was ending, although that did depress me slightly.  It was that the ending and the overall meanings of the show fit so perfectly into my beliefs and values that I couldn’t help but feel what the characters were feeling.  I won’t go into details because I know not everyone is a LOST fan like I am and I know there are some out there who have yet to see the finale.  All I can say is that the ending was perfect for me (keywords:  for me).

I’ll always cherish this show and I know I will watch it over and over again.  I will encourage my children (once they’ve reached a certain age) to watch it and discuss it.  LOST is definitely a show that will transcend time and has certainly had a very large impact on me.

Always remember, “If we can’t live together, we will die alone.”

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2 Responses to “The End of an Era”

  • Anna:

    I am so with you on some television being art. I’ve not been a LOST fan, but will probably add it to my NETFLIX list. The show that evokes such enormous feeling for me is Friday Night Lights. I must say that it is by far my favorite TV show EVER. Reality TV for the most part does nothing for me. I avoid it. But I do like shows like Dirty Jobs and Deadliest Catch and Survivor Man on Discovery, if those are considered reality shows. Just thought I’d share.

  • Thanks Anna! I definitely recommend checking out LOST. I’ve been meaning to watch Friday Night Lights for a while now because I’ve been hearing really good things about it and plus it’s supposedly based off small-town Texas football. I’ll be adding that to my Netflix queue!

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