I’m notorious for having really crazy dreams.  As a little girl, I dreamt that my mom tucked me in at night and told me that in the morning, we would be trading in my little girl boobies for big girl boobies.  I thought the dream was reality and woke up the next morning disappointed when my mom had no clue what I was talking about.  In high school I used to entertain my friends with the elaborate stories my brain had come up with while I slumbered.  To this day, I still have these wild dreams and manage to remember them so that they may entertain my peers.

Lately, I’ve been having a dream with a similar theme over and over again.  In the dream, my family is packing up and moving out of the house that I grew up in, which shall now be referred to as the Katy House from here on out.  This isn’t so weird except that my mom and siblings moved out of the Katy House 3 years ago.  So why am I just now having dreams about it?  The dreams aren’t stressful, sad, happy, or have any strong emotional feeling to them.  It’s just weird that my subconscious brain seems to be obsessed with this topic lately when I never even think about it while awake.

If anyone has a talent for analyzing dreams, I’d love to know your interpretation.

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