Good morning and happy Thankful Monday!

I’ve noticed that now that it’s November, the month of Thanksgiving, a bunch of my friends are posting what they are thankful for each day on Facebook as they’ve done in past years.  I think this is a great idea and I wonder if any of them will take a look at their happiness and gratitude levels now and then again at the end of the month to see if there has been any improvement.  I definitely feel like I’ve seen a difference in the few months that I’ve been writing these thankful posts.

So without further delay, here’s what I’m thankful for today:

  1.  I’m thankful for a week of getting to catch up with good friends.  Last week, I joined Kristen for dinner and got to see Meredith who I haven’t run into in months!  I also finally got to meet Kristen’s boyfriend and we all had a great night enjoying homemade carnitas and pumpkin creme brulee which I got to torch myself!  Kristen is quite the chef and she even sent me home with fresh baked banana bread and a spaghetti squash!  Friday, I was lucky enough to meet Cara and baby Zachary for lunch.  I hadn’t seen either of them since Zachary was born over 4 months ago so it was so nice to catch up and get to hold that sweet baby!  Then Saturday morning, we joined Robert and Crystal for breakfast at The Nook where lots of laughs were had!  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I have amazing people in my life.
  2. I’m thankful for a strong body and mind that allowed me to run the Shelter For Help in Emergency 5K for the third time Saturday morning.  This race supports a great cause and Ben and I ran it together.  It wasn’t my best time but I felt like it was a good race and I didn’t feel the desire to walk once despite the steep hills on the course.  Check out our results here!  My awesome husband got 26th place out of 271 people!
  3. I’m thankful that my good friend Lauren had her baby girl Annabelle on Halloween night and very happy to hear that both Lauren and Annabelle are doing well!  Lauren told me she was expecting her first baby on April Fool’s Day so of course I thought she was playing a joke on me!  I’m so excited for Lauren and JR to welcome their baby girl…they are going to be amazing parents!
  4. I’m thankful for a wonderfully close family.  Even though I didn’t get to join them, this past weekend, my mom’s side of the family had a mini-reunion since my Great Aunt Pat (AKA Mary F***ing Poppins) was in town.  My mom was able to drive up for the weekend and visit with everyone and it makes me so happy that she has family around.
  5. I’m thankful for having a fixed heater now that its getting colder.  Out heater was broken last week, and even though it cost a pretty penny to fix, it was still cheaper than fixing our air conditioning units that are still in need of repair.  I have always said I’d rather be hot than cold!  I guess that’s the Texan in me!  I’m really grateful for my husband for getting the heater fixed so fast!
  6. BONUS:  Lastly, I still can’t mention details, but as I said last week, I’m very thankful for something that isn’t quite official yet.  It has to do with our condo and if it goes through, it could save us alot of money.  But of course I don’t want to jinx it so I’ll keep my mouth shut for now.  🙂

Happy Monday and happy November!  Stay warm and remember to give thanks!

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